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Friday, June 04, 2010

Turning Tides

This morning I sat and watched my son's 5th grade class become the official "Class of 2017". Ever since I watched him receive his passport to Middle School I have wanted to weep...but why? Is it because my firstborn is growing up? Maybe. Is it because of the knowledge that next year he will be amidst a sea of unfamiliar faces in an unfamiliar place? Maybe.

Or is it because this mother's heart is so burdened for the souls of her children? Yes.

There is nothing...NOTHING more important to me as a mother than seeing my children come to know their desperate need of a Savior. There will be nothing more rewarding to this mother than watching my children grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting His Word as the ultimate and only Truth and walking the narrow path with Him.

And as they grow, my burden for them increases.

There is no award, no certificate, no recognition, no diploma that matters more than my kids knowing Christ and Him crucified. And as I sit amongst parents who desire for their children to succeed, to excel, to shine and be desire is for my children to be confronted by their sinful nature, to know their need of a rescuer, and to know the only ONE who can pull them out of the mire and transform them from death to life.

Today I am in a puddle of tears all alone because my heart aches for the hearts of my children to be redeemed. Yes, my son is growing up and yes, we are moving away from the place that has become home...but all of that pales compared to them humbling themselves before a Holy God and throwing themselves at the foot of the cross.

Father, by your Holy Spirit, bring my children to their knees to see their wretchedness in light of Your holiness. Help them to know that there is none righteous, no not one. I pray that you will give us as their parents wisdom in how to intercede for them, how to guide them, discipline and encourage them in the Truth. Help us to saturate our home and fill their ears with the Word of God, and to keep the gospel of Christ at the center of everything. Help our motives always be pure, and our greatest encouragement not to be towards success and accolades, but towards your mercy and the life-giving power of the gospel. Thank you for bringing me to my knees for them this morning. You alone are God.

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