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Monday, September 28, 2009

Why the Pregnancy Care Center?

I am playing a Benefit Concert this Friday night for the Pregnancy Care Center, and I want to share more of my heart on that. I've been asked several times why we chose to do a benefit concert for the PCC.

I am blessed - blessed to have come to know and follow the Lord; blessed to have a husband who loves me; blessed with three precious children. I have the privilege of speaking, teaching and singing about those blessings, which are a gift from God. With those blessings and the knowledge of the Word, I have the honor and responsibility to make known the Truth of Christ, and the hope I've found in Him. My responsibility begins in my home, where I must speak of the Lord, teach His heart and His Word, discipline in love, intercede like a warrior and guide my children to Him.

Beyond that, I must love the people the Lord brings into my life, and share the Truth. I must also respond to what He places in my heart for ministries to support. Why support the Pregnancy Care Center?

The PCC ministers hope to those who have lost hope. They share Christ, who came to bind up the broken-hearted and set the captives free. They provide Godly counsel, and heart-healing comfort. To those who have yet to decide how to handle an un-planned pregnancy, they offer valuable encouragement to choose life. To those who have already made the decision to abort their babies, they offer Christ, not judgement.

When you hear the staggering statistics of abortions in the US, it is easy to focus on the thousands of babies lost, and forget the thousands of hurting women who are also attached to those statistics. As a teen, I did not know Christ. With the choices I made, I very easily could have been one of those statistics. Now, as a follower of Christ, and one who has been forgiven much, I cannot sit in judgement of women who have felt the need to make that choice. Instead I must offer the hope of Christ, whose own blood was shed to offer life, wholeness and healing.

My heart is to support ministries that provide hope and healing through the love and the Truth of Christ.

If you are in Aroostook County or near the NB/ME border, please come out this Friday night to prayerfully and financially support this valuable ministry.

Music for Life and Hope
Caribou Performing Arts Center
308 Sweden St.
Caribou, Maine
7:00 pm (doors open at 6:30)

Tickets are $8.00, and there will be an opportunity to prayerfully make a further donation to the PCC.

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