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Thursday, August 20, 2009

On Life and Calling (pt.2)

So, the word "calling" is one of those North American Christian terms, I think... It's one of those words we throw around assuming everyone else uses the same thesaurus.

To clarify, for these posts, I am using the word "calling" to describe the overall thing(s) the Lord has planned for each of us to do in the advancement of His Kingdom. All of us are created with purpose. The purpose is clarified through the way the Lord has made us with gifts, abilities and desires. As we submit our lives to the Master Potter, He refines both us and our perception of that purpose, and presents us with opportunities to follow Him in His plan.

Now, "calling" doesn't simply refer to career choices, nor does it only refer to those called to full-time ministry; Rather, I think, it refers to what each of us do with life at every turn to obey the Scriptures and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and live out the Great Commission. Therefore, it is not just the Minister who has a calling - it is the child of God who has a calling. Some will be called to full-time service in the Church, but all will be called to full-time service in LIFE.

I think the key to discovering the abundant fulfillment that comes from pursuing your calling is realizing that your calling is not primarily about fulfilling YOU or perfecting your gifts. It is about humbly using your talents and vocational opportunities to serve, with a heart that is motivated to see lives turned to Christ. It is also about following the Lord when He leads you down paths that may be more difficult than personally satisfying.

Therefore, whether I am a grocer, a postal worker, a teacher, a nurse or a pastor, my career becomes a part of pursuing my calling - which is to seek the lost, love and serve people and spread the Truth of Christ.

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