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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Unstained, Part Deux

I have enjoyed reading the dialogue that came out of my last post. Thank you to those who took the time to chew over this discussion, and formulate thoughtful responses. I especially appreciate comments which are not merely opinion, but which are based on the Word of God. As I grow in the Lord, I realize more and more how little my opinion matters, and how much the Word of LIFE does!

Some thoughts I've had about being in the world, yet remaining unstained:

1) I cannot agree with the opinion that, as Christians, we don't need to worry about becoming stained, or that salvation is the end of all of that. Yes, the Blood of the Lamb can wash us white as snow. But we still live in a dirty world. The Bible is very specific that we are to keep ourselves unstained by the world. A direction like that indicates that we are not to just rest on our laurels, but that we are to work at remaining unstained.

In John 6:27, Jesus directs the people, "Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that I, the Son of Man, can give you." (NLT)

He was there with them; They had Him. But they still needed to spend energy seeking eternal life. There is so much more to living a Christian life than just accepting His unmerited grace. There is energy to spend in pursuit of more of Him. There is life to gain. There are stains to wholeheartedly avoid.

2) If our unsaved friends have major issues with Christianity and God, they should have major issues with us. It's not that we should "hold ourselves apart from them", it should just be very clear that we are different. Christ in us, if we are in hot pursuit of Him, should radiate from us. I liked what Roni asked, "Are you standing out or are you blending in?" If He radiates from us, then in a setting like what I described in my previous post, we should stand out like a sore thumb.

3) Jesus was around all kinds of people. We all know that to be true. But we also all know this: NONE OF US IS JESUS. He was unstained....completely. He was entirely without sin. We were born with a nature bent toward sin. Christ in us is replacing that nature to resemble His nature, but we are still sinful beings that have been washed in His blood. WE ARE NOT INVINCIBLE...that is why Paul admonished the Philippians to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe"

If I rest on my laurels, assuming invincibility because I claim Jesus as Lord, but I do not follow Him in hot pursuit and obedience, I will not shine like a star in this crooked and depraved generation. I am called to "make disciples", not make friends. It should be a higher priority for me to be around the unsaved for the purpose of making a disciple than to make them feel comfortable because I look the same way they do.

4) As we grow in Christ, and are continually transformed into His image, the things that grieve Him begin to grieve us. Mark 7: 21-23 discusses some of the things which defile someone and make them unacceptable to God. As I read through that, I am reminded of the things that drove me, the thoughts that consumed me, the things which I thought were normal when I lived a worldly life. It is these things which are so very prevalent in the party scene of the world. It grieves me to be around it.

1 Peter 4: 2-5 admonishes to "live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.
3For the time already past is sufficient for you to have carried out the desire of the Gentiles, having pursued a course of sensuality, lusts, drunkenness, carousing, drinking parties and abominable idolatries. 4In all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excesses of dissipation, and they malign you; 5 but they will give account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

So....I can see in Scripture that my presence around those who lust after drunkenness should be startling to them, because it should be very evident that I don't run with them to it. I also see in Scripture that I need to work to remain unstained. I also see in Scripture that I am to "go into all the world and make disciples." I must be around the unsaved, with a heart to see them become disciples of Christ. I must be there, shining like a star in the universe...unstained.... so that they can be attracted by His unblemished light. If I look just like them, what is there for them to be attracted to?


Shelly Marie Condon said...

I have really enjoyed reading this blog topic and comments ... this is a wonderful and thoughful subject... I totally agree with you... even if you are 'saved'...that doens't mean you can't end up stained from this world... I think as Christians we have to be on guard all the time and very careful and cautious what we engage in...what we say ... and what we expose ourselves to... and find that fine line between doing all of that and NOT hiding ... I have many friends, family memebers and co-workers that are not saved...and I try daily to use my life as a testimony to God's love and truth... I don't hide my love for Christ ... it's right out there on the table... but I also don't allow myself to be at a place of compromise.. again, that is a personal choice I have made... I can witness and love on my unsaved loved ones without going into a bar.

Melinda said...

I've been reading and chewing on these posts for a while. VERY interesting I think. I read it to Wes and we discussed it for a while. Without reiterating everything others have said I've come down to the two questions "What is my intent?" and "Will this help or hurt the Body of Christ?". There is a lot more I could say but a lot of you have already covered it! Great post Elizabeth. What controversial subject will you bring up next? Hmmmm?

Owen said...

Elizabeth- let me start out by saying that I've enjoyed this discussion a lot. You're insight is always valuable to me.

I think it's interesting that we are talking about staining and "The World" and immediately think of cultural things like alcohol, sexuality, whether we see rated R movies or listen to the knew Pink CD.

I think if the things that seemed to really bother Jesus, selfishness, legalism, materialism. Heart issues. I don't think that drinking or not drinking is really the issue, or whether or not evangelism can effectively happen in a bar.

Jesus said "You shall know them by their fruit". We should always have love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control on our minds. Anything that takes us away from this would be a "stain" if I'm understanding your understanding of it. I could imagine I would have a hard time with the "self-control" aspect if I was drunk. Being around people who are though- another story.

It does come down to personal conviction. How does God feel about me going to bars? I'm certain that there is no problem because of the specific situation and people involved. Every situation is different though- I don't want anyone to get the impression that I'm advocating an after-Church Sunday school trip to the local watering hole.

I think we have to remember that stuff like this is purely cultural and be sensitive to our area.

Elizabeth said...

There are definitely way more things which can lead us into the mud-hole than just being in the presence of is just that that is the one topic I chose for this series of posts. More thoughts on worldiness in regards to other areas of life in upcoming posts, I'm sure.