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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In honor of BBC Blogging Day

Ode to the Memories of Being a BBC RD

Four years were spent in that place on a hill
Caring for girls sometimes well, sometimes ill.
Putting out fires from morning til night,
Once in a while mediating a riotous fight.

Much time was spent teaching ladies to lead,
Helping them prioritize which textbooks to read.
Dragging my children, through girls' quarters I'd zoom
Hoping to unearth "treasure" from Trish Korves's (messy) room.

Relationship advice was a particular need
As I tried to stay on top, keep up to speed
With the ever-changing list of new and of old
Dating relationships of the girls in my little fold.

How often did I answer the same old questions:
"For my room check, may I please have an extension?"
"Is it OK if I'm just a few minutes late?"
or "Please, though it's rated R this movie's still great!?"

Ahhh, walking down the BBC path of Memory Lane
Brings a smile to these lips again and again.
Patience and patience and grace I did learn
And one or two gray hairs did I honestly earn.

From Frosh Week year one til year four Graduation
Only a few times did I long for vacation.
I'll cherish for always the lives I did see
The Lord change and move in, in my years as RD.

- Elizabeth Rhyno (BBC Women's RD 2000 - 2004)


matthew said...

haha, nice. I'm going to have to nominate this one at the end of the month :)

Sarah Gomez said...

I like it Elizabeth :) And don't I know about Tricia's room! She was on my floor for a semester. ;) haha

Nata said...

What a lovely poem :) Really takes the claws and fangs out of those memories - lol

Elizabeth said...

I hope you're not referring to MY claws and fangs, Nata...I had those removed.

Anonymous said...

that was awesome. I didn't have you for an RD but i do remember many times girls asking to stay the night at my place (i got married in 2000) to keep me company while trev worked the grave shift. You were always so kind to the ladies. I'm sure they adored you :)

Sarah Beth said...

That's a great poem! You were a great RD!