And what is it to really love people? After all, I am a generally kind person... How is it exactly that I have not been loving people? Basically, by being indifferent to the eternal destinations of the people "around" me. I have not cared enough about people to be intentional about sharing the gospel. I have nicely surrounded myself in the safe haven of a Christian community, and then believed the deception that I don't really live in any non-Christian circle, so I therefore have no-one with whom to share the Gospel.
In simple terms...I have been blatantly ignoring (read: disobeying) the Lord, whose command is to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel..." I have quietly ignored, and excused myself from that one.
And so, the havoc wreaking. God has been chastising me. He has been breaking my heart. He has been opening my eyes. Where I have never before even considered my ministry to be anything more than helping Christians grow in intimacy with the Lord Almighty, I see now that my heart has not even been truly been displaying His love, because I've kept my eyes off of those who don't know Him at all.
Enter: "The Way of the Master".
I have been blessed to have been introduced to The Way of the Master. Clear, Biblical teaching on evangelism...evangelism that goes far beyond intellect and directly to the conscience. Evangelism teaching that debunks the fear of the not having the right answers, by preparing you with Truth to address any questions that might be thrown your way as you share. Evangelism that uses the Word of God to create a mirror for the hearer to recognize his or her unrighteousness before a Holy God, without "prettying it up", without apology.
I have been amazed over and over as I've watched the teachings and the on-air interviews with non-believers at how the Holy Spirit stops their mouths as the evangelists stop addressing their intellects and begin addressing their consciences.
But enough of my ad...check them out for yourself. Below are 2 short clips. One is an ad, one an actual on-the-street conversation. You can find lots of other Way of the Master stuff on YouTube, or you can click on the banner that I've added to my blog. There are also podcasts from Way of the Master radio.
I'm a new fan because of the effectiveness I've already seen. I'm a new fan because it goes against "typical" evangelical just-get-em-to-the-altar-and-git-er-done evangelsim, which cares more about numbers saved than whether they're really saved. I'm a new fan, because the Word of God is blatant, the seed is planted, and then the person is left in the hands of the Holy Spirit to do His work of convicting. After all, that's His job and not ours.
I'm a new fan because the Lord is changing my heart...
you know, that's all really nice...but i do have questions about it. how do they know that guy he was talking to really changed? don't you think just befriending non-christian people...hanging out with them...that sort of witnessing God's love. i think so. i think that just living your life the way that Jesus wants you to is a great example of God and his love for others. and once you are friends with someone you can get into deep conversations about God and all ...but i don't think it's necessary just going up to people you don't know and start talking about Jesus right off the bat. i think being someones friend is more effective. i think it sticks with people more that way. i'm not saying street evangelism is not going to ever work, but i don't think it's the most effective way of going about things. that's just my thought.
I sure don't think there's anything wrong with sharing the Gospel with people you have relationship with. But, I also sense an urgency to share the Gospel without first taking that time...we don't really know when someone's time is up, nor do we know when Christ will return, hence a second look at the amount of time we sometimes take to feel "safe" before we share Christ.
I don't think there is only one way to share. I do think that too often we try to rely only on our life being a witness, and we fail to lay the Gospel right out there. I think that with the "lifestyle" evangelism, we need to be also very forthright with truth.
As for knowing whether or not they're really changed...I don't think we always will. But the Lord tells us that His Word doesn't return to Him void, and so if we are really sharing Biblical truth, then we've given the holy Spirit the opportunity to work.
i feel like a lot of times christians try to save people just for the numbers. no, we don't know when Jesus is coming back or when someone's time is up..but i don't think that witnessing to people should be about trying to get as many people saved as we can.
the thing i have a problem with in the video is that the guy witnessing didn't give the other guy (mario) time to talk...he just very quickly told him he was a sinner, had him realize that, and had him agree with him that he needed to change. the mario guy had no time to ask questions or anything. he maybe walked away changed but probably walked away confused, feeling guilty about things he has done, and maybe even lost. i just think it's better to invest in peoples lives.
it's not about feeling safe before you share with Christ. that's not what i'm saying at all. it's about taking time to get to know show them you show them Jesus.
i do agree with you, there are more than one way to share the Gospel. i think we should talk about God to people but i don't think just throwing it in someone's face is good. people don't like that. people are turned off by that. and if you look at Jesus' life...he ate with the sinners, he hung out with the sinners. sure, he had his sermons and had tons of people come and listen...but he invested time into people. and that's why people were so drawn to him..they knew he cared...they knew he loved them. and that's what people need...expecially today..they need someone to care about let them know they are loved. there are way too many hurting people out there..and the best thing we, as christians, can do for them is to care. to help. to love. and in all of that to share our lives..and the Gospel with them.
i am happy for you elizabeth, that you are pumped about sharing the Gospel..and in no way am i trying to discourage you from it. these are just my thoughts about it. okay, i have to go study...have a great day!
We should do what Jesus did. In John 4, Jesus walked up to the woman at the well, he spoke to her of natural things, and didn't beat around the bush about explaining the gospel.
I started being obedient to the great commission about a year ago, and I've found two things. The first thing is that people, in general, are scared of dying. They're seeking the truth, and they're open to talking about the Bible.
The other thing is that even though we live in a country that is certainly exposed to Christianity, the majority of people on the streets don't understand the gospel. We can do a world of good by explaining it to them.
Interesting that you would post on this topic. Just yesterday this very thing was on my heart. Many days I sit with my children surrounded by these same four walls and I wonder how I make a difference for the kingdom. It is easy to believe that you are "exempt" so to speak from sharing the gospel message. That perhaps God has called you to a different ministry. When the reality is that we are all called to share Christ with people and to put ourselves out there in whatever manner He so chooses. We can only pray that when we listen to His voice we are obedient to His call. I have certainly been wrestling with many of these very I said...hmmm interesting.
completely concur: the Lord has used the way of the master to light a fire under me too (one of conviction for my disobedience and one of great burden for the lost). When we consider the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf how dare we, truly, call ourselves by His Name without also proclaiming His Name and the message of man's depravity and the need for true repentance and submission to Jesus to those around us? I like the clips you chose to show too.
I don't think I have ever posted here before but this post really struck me. We are doing an emphasis at our church surrounding Easter to get people to invite their friends to the Easter Sunday service. Not that we don't want them to invite their friends other days as well, but Easter is a time when many people already think about going to church so it is a good time to capitalize on that. As we've been talking about it, I realize that I don't have any non-Christian friends in the city that I could invite and that saddens me. I know there are probably some of my old friends still around from when I used to live here but I've lost touch with them and wouldn't know the first way to find them again. This is something that I have felt burdened about changing. Thankfully I am starting work at Starbucks on the 3rd, so that should give me some opportunities. So, to actually talk about the post, I really liked it. I disagree with Maria. I think that witnessing IS all about trying to get as many people saved as we can. Otherwise, why would we do it? Obviously is has to be done correctly, and as we've all noted, the get 'em to the alter, have them prayer an arbitrary prayer and leave them method is not what we mean, but Elizabeth is right. Far to often friendship evangelism is heavy on the friendship and lite on the evangelism. But I'm not knocking it, because it can be effective. Bill is also right, that's the first instance in the Bible that came to mind when I thought of Jesus evangelizing to someone he barely knew - the woman at the well. Also, I think there was more to that interview than what we saw. They cut in a bit I think so I think there was more to the conversation then "You're a sinner, repent". And the guy could have spoken up anytime he wanted, he just didn't. This is the first I've heard of this, but it looks good to me.
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