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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

He has changed my mind

As I've been growing with the Lord, I've found that He has been working on my mind. Slowly, layer by layer, He has revealed stuff to me - lies I have believed (about myself, about others, about Him). One by one He has been teaching me how to replace these lies with Truth. These things are fundamentally changing who I am, and revealing to me much more of Who He is. I can see more clearly now, and realize that He has been working on my mindset. My thoughts are different. What goes on inside my head now is the same as what I portray on the outside. I'm not fighting a battle constantly to pretend to be who I'm not but wish I was. I find that my thoughts are much closer to "acceptable in His sight" than what they always used to be.

Here are some examples:
1) I always used to hear people say "Great job!", but my mind would add "Whatever...they don't really think that."
2) I would hear my husband say "I love you" and I would think, "He'd be happier if I were different"
3) I would recognize the Lord's Word saying He did not create me with a spirit of fear, but in my mind I would always imagine all sorts of scary situations that I knew I would find myself in someday.
4) I would know that the Lord tells me to cast my cares on Him, and I would say that I did, but in my head I would be worried all of the time.
5) Someone would tell me something, and I would think "They think I'm not smart enough to know that on my own."

etcetera, etcetera.

Do you ever feel like you are living a double life? Like the thoughts that go on in your head don't really match up with what the Word says, or what your lips are saying?

Here's one of the first and biggest things that the Lord hammered into me when I finally realized He wanted to change my mind. HE SAID TO QUIT WATCHING T.V.! Would you have guessed that? Though He did it slowly, one by one, He showed me which shows I was watching that clouded my mind...that assisted the enemy by reinforcing the lies he had been whispering to me. He showed me that I was filling my mind with worldly things, crowding my thoughts with worldly perspectives. He showed me that T.V. is not just harmless fun, but that most often it does not match up with His desire for me to think on things that are "pure, holy and honorable". Instead, it filled my mind with fear, covetousness, cinicism, manipulative thoughts, and a very self-cenetered, self-protective perspective.

When I listened, and deliberatly and systematically cut out the shows that He brought to my attention (and I'm talking about things like home decorating shows as well as things like CSI, House etc.), I began to recognize very tangible changes in my mindset, in my thought patterns. I became more content with what I have and more appreciative of what the Lord has blessed me with. I came to recognize just who I am in Him. I have found that my mind does not think manipulatively anymore. I find that I much more patient, that I do not anger easily anymore. I find that I think encouragingly now, and not jealously. And, you know what? I don't even want to watch T.V. anymore. He has even removed the desire.

The Lord has changed my MIND.

And so, I challenge you today. As I read blogs, I am alarmed at the rate at which young and old believers today are filling their minds with worldly things by obsessing over T.V. I see all kinds of blog posts about watching full seasons of shows on DVD, of people obsessed by various series. And, as someone who used to love T.V., I know that these shows do nothing to renew the mind...they do nothing to exemplify Christ or the Christian life. This road we walk is supposed to be narrow, not riddled with the things of the world that we like to hold on to. I know this won't be a popular post, but I'm not here to be popular. I'm here to come against the enemy with the word of my testimony.

Here's my challenge: Ask the Lord today. Ask Him if He wants to change your mind. Ask Him if the shows you watch are acceptable in His sight. Or ask Him if there are other habits you have that he wants to help you change. But don't do it if you're not ready to obey His response. I have no doubt He has something new for you, because I know He desires your mind to be fully engaged, not cloudy. I know He desires your thoughts to be pure. I know that He has more for you, in helping you to know who you are in Him, and helping you to be the same person, inside and out.

Are you up for it?


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth...i'm speechless. You have been put in my life in the last couple of weeks for a profound reason and in a way i can listen to what you say and re-read and re-read and learn and challenge myself. Thank you for these posts, this honesty, these challenges, your obedience, your desire and your realism.

Lor & Josh said...

wow. What a strong testimony and a solid word. It's true that TV and magazines and all that jazz warps our thinking on ourselves, on life, and on the Lord. If we're going to talk in victory we've got to be filled with truth and there is little truth in the places you mentioned in your post.

I too am on the journey of gaining a transformed mind. He's already got me away from the TV, etc, but He's still ridding me of stuff I've believed in my own head. The Word says, "We have the mind of Christ." Would He fill Himself with the junk we take in? Nope. We are called to a richer life than this world can afford but it costs us things like getting away from empty entertainment. I was thinking just yesterday, life is SO short. I don't want to eat up any of the hours I am given for the express purpose of discovering as much as I can about Christ before I die with time spent slouched on the couch. Good word, Elizabeth. Way to be brave and put this out there for bloggers to read.

matthew said...

hey Elizabeth :)

I already posted something you can try to get ***'s on my blog, but I figured I'd post it here too in case you don't check that again.

1) Go to your blogs settings
2) Click the 'publishing' tab
3) Make sure you answered 'yes' to 'notify'

If that doesn't work, not really sure what the problem is :)

In regards to your post, I'm very glad the Lord was able to show you a major source of some of the mis-thinking you were experiencing.

I think, though, that many problems are caused when we take our personal experience with the Lord and try to make an absolute sounding rule from it, casting it on to others. Each Christian is responsible to God for their 'intake' and each Christian is built differently in various areas.

I also think 'obsessed' is a strong word to use w/o really knowing what's going on in a person's mind. For instance, I post weekly about the Gilmore Girls. Do I do that b/c I'm obsessed with the show? I certainly don't think so. I do it b/c lots of my friends watch it and its a fun thing to discuss.

Like you, I think the media leads many Christians into mis-thinking about themselves and others, creating a cynical mindset like you described. But God has made many different types of human beings. Some people are very impressionable. Some people, though, are not.

In other words, 1 Christian might watch a tv show with worldly concepts and their mind might be changed into something less Christlike. Another Christian might watch the exact same show, not be impacted negatively AND even come to a better understanding of how the world thinks, enabling him or her to better minister to a lost world.

For example. I know some Christians who struggle with filthy language. When they watch a program that includes foul language, it re-inforces that pattern of the world in their mind. On the other hand, I know Christians that are surrounded by filthy language all the time, and watch movies with filthy language and yet never even have that sort of language on the tip of their tongue?

To some types of Christians, it may sound horrible that a Christian would watch a movie that includes foul language. To a Christian that isn't impacted by such things, it might prove purposeful to watch such a movie which can remind us of the depravity of mankind or whatnot.

It's because of these differences in Christians that absolute rules in these areas aren't necessary. We must let each Christian be fully persuaded in his/her own mind.

In any case, I appreciate your challenge. A few years ago I cut back big time on the amount of TV I watch (so that now I only watch 2-3 shows a week). For me, it wasn't b/c my mind was becoming worldly, but simply an issue of time stewardship. Each Christian is different, the Holy Spirit is real, we each need to be obedient!

Elizabeth said...

I agree with you, Matthew, that there are not necessarily absolute rules that are cut and dried for each Christian, and that all things don't affect all people in the same manner or to the same degree. We are different, with different areas of struggle and weakness. When we begin to look at rules, we can move toward legalism. Though I don't feel that my personal experience is everyone's answer, I do feel that the Lord can use my testimony to spark things in others in this particular area.

I have trouble with the idea that partaking of media which is foul in language or content is a good tool for reminding us of the world's depravity. To me, it just doesn't sit well when compared to Scripture, which admonishes us to think only on things "pure, holy, honorable and just." Scripture also reminds us not to be conformed to this world, but to renew our minds, proving what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God...I can't think that allowing the windows of my soul to soak in worldliness will renew my mind, or bring me closer to awareness of God's perfect will.

It is important to be aware of the world we live in to effectively reach out and minister to the people in it. But, to me, it is more effective to learn about the people of this world by being with them, than it is to glean info. about them, attitudes or perspectives from fictional T.V. The glory of the Lord's presence and the purity of His Word are good enough tools to remind me of this world's depravity.

Stewardship of our time is an excellent point...if we knew that we knew that Christ was returning in 3 months, or in a year, would we spend our time differently?

I do appreciate your insight. It's always great to have discussion on things as we are all still learning and growing.

matthew said...

hey elizabeth :)

As your 1st paragraph indicates, we agree on much regarding this topic. I appreciated your post as a good reminder/challenge/thing-to consider, etc.

In regards to your use of Philippians 4:8 I'd only make the following points:

Taking Philippians 4:8 in an absolute sense would probably result in Christians having horrible doctrine in the areas of sin, satan, spiritual warfare, the fall, human depravity, etc. For instance, we wouldn't technically be allowed to sing amazing grace b/c we wouldn't be able to think about how we were once 'lost', only that we are now 'found'. That seems an extreme example, but I'm simply making the point that it is often useful to understand the wickedness of satan, the flesh, and the wickedness in ourselves so that we can better serve Jesus Christ. This concept even affects evangelism, the degree in which we contemplate the lostness of lost people may very well affect the degree in which we are motivated to reach them.

In regards to your use of Romans 12:2 I'd only make the following points:

It was built-in, once again, into your statement that watching such a movie WOULD conform us to the world or let the world 'soak in' to our lives. But we already agreed that this is not the case for every person.

Let me give you a couple examples of what I'm talking about, one of which my cause you to think lowly of my standards, and the other, hopefully, will drive my point home.

1) I have seen the movie se7en several times. It is a movie about a serial killer who murders specific individuals based on their extreme practice of one of the 7 deadly sins. As you can imagine, the movie is filled with violence, bad words, sexual sin, hatred, etc. Why would I watch such a thing!?! More than once!?!?

The answer to that question is found in this. I wasn't 'entertained' by the violence, bad words, sin or hatred at all. I was disgusted! The movie ends with the following quote:

"Ernest Heminway once said, 'the world is a fine place and worth fighting for,' I agree with the second part."

That is a very 'Christian' quote. That quote is the point of the entire movie. We live in a sick/fallen world, but it is a world Jesus came to save and a world we are called to save. Any time I watch the R rated movie Se7en, I am reminded, in a positive way, of the world's need and the answer that we have as Christians.

2) I have read CS Lewis's "the screwtape letters" numerous times. I find it very edifying as have thousands of devout Christians. You very well may have read it too, but if not, the entire book is a series of letters from 1 demon to another demon. The elder demon gives his 'nephew' all sorts of impure, unholy, dishonorable, and unjust ideas on how to tempt his prey. But in so doing, the reader examines his own life in a very positive sense.

As usual, I believe it comes down to one's motivation. When a Christian watches an R rated movie, is he being entertained by filth or being prepared for service. To a person watching something in faith, no movie is unclean, but God forbid that we APPROVE of any unclean thing!

I agree with your 3rd paragraph, though it doesn't dismiss my previous statements since it speaks of your personal decisions in accordance with Romans 14.

Thanks for the discussion and thanks for responding to my response. These can be complex issues and I'm always glad to read varrying opinions from Christians on these things! God bless

Elizabeth said...

Hmm...interesting points again, Matthew. Thanks for keeping up some discussion on this topic.

I'm wondering about your thought about taking Phillippians 4:8 as absolute. Do you think that if I strive to control my intake by comparing what I watch, read etc. to this Scripture, that I am leaving no room to recognize the enemy as real in this world? I think that by keeping my media "diet" pure, holy, and honorable, it keeps my mind and spirit sharper to recognize the battle of the world, which is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness.

From a personal experience standpoint, I found that when my mind was receiving a steady diet of the "world" through T.V., magazines etc. I was less able to discern things in the spiritual realm. Now that I have removed these things from my normal life, I am much more aware of the everyday spiritual battle going on around me in this world. So, I am not naively unaware of the enemy in this world, nor am I unaware of the "lostness" of the lost, but I am better able to fight the fight before me. My mind is sharper, and I feel my level of discernment increased because I've focused on filling my mind with Truth.

I am continuing to think about all of this...I still appreciate your input! I may post another post along these lines in the next day or so. Others are welcome to join the discussion too...what do you think of what we are talking about?

matthew said...

Hey! I guess I don't have much more to add because I think it WOULD be wrong for you to watch some of the things that other Christians watch (Romans 14:23).

Christians freedom, like any freedom, is an awesome and dangerous thing. Just because everything may be permissible doesn't make everything beneficial. It would certainly seem, to me, to be safer to take your position.

Taking my position, I certainly have to watch my heart, attitudes and motivations in regards to media. I ask myself some key questions from time to time.

1. Is watching this good use of the time God has given me?
2. Am I 'purpose driven' in watching this, and if so, what is the purpose?
3. If there is questionable content, am I being entertained by OR educated by it OR other?
4. When the movie/show is over, am I more committed to a biblical practice?

Those questions seems to help me make decisions in these areas. God bless.