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Monday, October 23, 2006

Praise Him In the Storm

You know, He is just so much bigger...bigger than my anxieties, bigger than my emotions, bigger than my frustrations, bigger than my storms. Bigger. And His hands are outstretched, waiting for me to just cast my cares upon Him. He says to be anxious for nothing, to just come to Him with thanksgiving for what he promises is to come. He says that nothing is too big, and that he will never leave me nor forsake me. And He tells me to simply trust Him. For He is a promise keeper. He is a sure shelter. He is bigger than anything going on around me...and bigger than my finite reactions to them. He is bigger. I praise Him in the storm.


Heather said...

Thanks for posting that, it really forced me to evaluate my heart's condition (not too pretty). Thanks for the info on how to post YouTube videos. I used the info you gave to respond to this post on my site.

Thanks again for being such a good friend! When can we get together?????

Anonymous said...

Thanks Elizabeth, I needed to be reminded of that. How quickly we can forget sometimes when those storms do come, praise God that is his BIGGER then every storm.

Anonymous said...

oops i guess it was a little to early when I left a comment this morning I see I made a typo :)

Praise God that he is bigger then every storm.

Anonymous said...

such a marvelous truth: though the storms of life rage and circumstances are ever changing our powerful God remains constant. and worthy of praise despite our feelings or issues or life pressures. This video reminded me not only is the Lord able to carry me through my "stuff" but He's strong enough to care for everyone else worldwide who face things far greater than I can even imagine. He protects men at war and widows and orphans. He sees it all and is just, compassionate, and involved. wow. thank you for the reminder. I agree in prayer with you that "My God shall supply all your needs" my dear friend.

Melinda said...

Hey Elizabeth!

I wanted to share this with you last night but didn't really find the right opportunity!
Hebrews 10:24 says:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."
I wanted to encourage you today that from the MOMENT I first met you you have done this for me. I always feel encouraged and spurred on by what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life. It has spurred me on and I wanted you to know that. God has used YOU in my life. Praise His Name!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, Melinda...I really needed to hear that today. The enemy has been ravaging my emotions and my view of "usefulness" in ministry today, so I am continually battling Him and re-donning my spiritual armor. Thanks for the mean much to me too and your gung-ho disposition towards the Lord's work in you spurs me on as well! Love you...have a great day. Thanks again! :)

Angela said...

I concur with Melinda. Your blog especially has been a blessing to me, Elizabeth! It seems many times something you blog about correlates with just what I needed to hear that day, as did this post as well. Thank you for being faithful to share the light and love the Lord gives you with others!