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Saturday, October 28, 2006


I learned the other day the meaning of my name, Elizabeth. I had always known that one of its meanings was "consecrated to God"...I like that! But, the other day I found out an additional meaning behind the name Elizabeth - "my God is abundance". WOW! Has He ever proved that to me! For the last few days He has been gently, lovingly whispering to me the reminder of His desire to pour out on me abundantly. He has opened my eyes even more to the fullness He has for me.

My God is a God of abundance! In a world and a culture where we are bombarded with the lie that we just don't have enough, or don't have what we think we deserve to have, MY GOD IS A GOD OF ABUNDANCE. He truly knows our need. And not only our tangible needs, but the timing in which we need to receive or not receive.

In a world where we falsely believe that our sole mission is to pursue our own happiness , my God ABUNDANTLY provides a peace that surpasses all understanding, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

In a world where relationships are riddled with strife, deception, impurity and emulations, He has for us relationships filled with ABUNDANT truth, light and selflessness and confidence.

For hopelessness He offers ABUNDANT hope.
For heaviness He tells us: ABUNDANT praise.
For our strength He gives ABUNDANT joy.
For uncertainty He promises ABUNDANT peace.
For low self-worth He offers ABUNDANT belonging.
For a life of acknowledgement, He offers ABUNDANT, continual direction.
For the dreams birthed from His heart, He offers ABUNDANT realization and fulfillment.

For all of us, He offers ALL of Him.

He tells me that He has abundance for me, and I recognize that He is not talking about monetary prosperity or even physical needs. But I am prosperous, as a daughter of the King. He has filled me to overflowing with His JOY; He has filled me and cradled me in His PEACE. He has guarded my heart with His ABUNDANT protection, and He has ignited my spirit with His ABUNDANT fire.

And He has given me an ABUNDANT burden for believers who do not recognize their need for an ABUNDANT God...who live in the complacency of one uttered prayer of acceptance, but do not chase after His fullness. He is more than forgiveness, more than salvation. He is ABUNDANCE...abundant freedom from strongholds, abundant hope for tomorrow, abundant help in our time of need...HE IS MORE THAN NOMINALISM...HE IS ABUNDANT LIFE!!

Do you struggle to accept that the Lord has a life of fullness for you? Do you really believe that He desires to love you lavishly? Did you know that when He seems far away, He really hasn't left you at all? He's just waiting for you to submit your heart to Him...your WHOLE heart. He wants to pour out Himself on you abundantly. I know that, for some who will read this post, the Lord is speaking: HE WANTS TO SHOW YOU MORE OF HIMSELF. HE HAS NOT SATISFIED ALL THAT HE YEARNS TO GIVE YOU. HE WANTS TO LOVE YOU ABUNDANTLY. I pray that He will speak to you through this post...I pray that you will desire to receive.


Heather said...


Seriously, thanks for the reminder. It is so easy to get distracted away from His perfect provision to find our focus on the unsatisfying desires of life.

Erskine said...

His abundance is certainly supreme! This post reminds me of the prayer on your side table, reminding us that God wants us to live a life of fullness and freedom. He wants us to run, to soar, to laugh, to dance, to carry one another, to wrestle victoriously together, and to grow to be more like Him. From my own life I would add a few things to your list:

For the need to protect myself He offers ABUNDANT SHELTER BENEATH THE WINGS OF THE CREATOR!
For the need to take care of myself He offers ABUNDANT HEALING TO CARE FOR EVERY NEED!
For criticism He offers ABUNDANT JUSTICE AND MERCY!
For brokenness He offers ABUNDANT WHOLENESS!
For confidence and security in our own impressions He offers ABUNDANT ASSURANCE THAT HIS CHALLENGING WAY BESTS OUR BEST!

Lor & Josh said...

Elizabeth, I daily come to appreciate the ABUNDANCE of God's blessings in my life through living in your home with your family. Christ in you epitomizes womanly beauty and Godly character. He is shaping you into a vessel perfectly sculpted to display His glory and proclaim His grace to an empty world that tries to fill the void with decadence. How amazing that He is taking His time (even when it sometimes feels like His good 'ole time) to FILL you with Himself in every regard before He launches you out into a bigger ministry than what you already have now. I didn't plan on writing all this, it just came out, so I pray you are abundantly encouraged by the incomprehensible peace of Christ He has already shown you and will continue to give you day by day as you trust and walk. May He "stupefy" you tonight with His provision and tender love. :)