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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Freedom Reigns...

My good friend and beautiful artist, Heather, asked me what one word is that I would use to describe me on my journey with Christ. She was preparing to paint one of three pictures that Scott had asked her to do for me for our house. Very quickly I responded, "Free".

She has since painted three very beautiful paintings for me, all centered around scriptures. My favorite is this one: "Free". Each circle at the top has a word along its edge...a word of something I'm now able to do freely in Christ (sing, worship, create, laugh, love, feel, trust and enjoy). "Free". What a loaded word! To me, "Free" means so much, and means more and more daily as I walk with the Lord.

What does "freedom in Christ" look like to you?


Anonymous said...

oooooo..I love it! It's amazing!! She's great!

I'm in the midst of laundry getting ready to pack for my trip in the quickly...

Freedom in Christ is being free...completely love (accept and be comfortable) who and how He created me to be. I love my own skin, because He gave it to me.
Freedom is lifting my hands to complete adoration for HIM (for no one else) and moving my feet to the beat of His music that I may "dance before him"
Freedom is loving all those who are different than me - and celebrating how and who He made them do be!
My freedom is beyond the mirror that was held before my face, my hair, my clothes for so long....

Thanks for posting this! I love the art work and also what it represents...very meaningful to have in your home.

Melinda said...

This reminds me of the song by Ginny Owens. I love the artwork. Awesome!

christy said...

Freedom is the breath I breathe every day by the grace of God.
Freedom is the privilege of worshiping God day after day in out Free country.
Freedom is an unquenchable joy found only in Him.
Freedom is a peace that surpasses all my understanding.
Freedom is the ability to attend a Bible school, as a woman, in preparation for the ministry God has called me to.

It's because of God's grace and the freedom He's granted in my life that I live, move and breathe!

p.s- I love the artwork!
Thanks for sharing Elizabeth!