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Saturday, September 23, 2006

And again He answers...

Just a mere few hours ago I was agitated...disquieted...praying for a fresh breath from my Comforter, my Revealer. I was parched, and needed to be led to cool, still waters. adventurous God knew I needed more than still waters tonight. He brought me past the still waters to a waterfall! My cup runneth over with joy tonight simply because HE IS. My heart is ecstatic simply because I AM loves me, knows me and hears me when I call. This little Lamb felt the arms of her Shepherd tonight and He reminded me of the wellspirng of joy he has placed in me SO THAT IT WILL BURST FORTH. My God is So Amazing!!

On my lips there's a shout of praise!
Now I'm gonna dance for all my days,
Because I've seen the wonder of your loving ways!
So much joy here in Your embrace,
Makes me want to sing and celebrate,
Because I've seen the wonder of amazing grace!
(Ross Parsley)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Becuase He lives life is worth living; because HE IS we have peace that reaches past our mental understanding or emotional commotions. Praise the Lord that in Him is fullness of joy and abundance of grace. Jesus Himself is the greatest blessing we have. His presence sustains the weary and calms to frazzled. He is good - let's go praise Him! (ps... good work getting your pictures to load!)