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Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Often I wish that more people would take the time to answer the questions I pose on Blogger, or to comment on my musings. I think Blogger is about community, and community involves dialogue. Any Blog minus comments remains one-sided, and without community.



Heather said...

I agree. I have to admit that I don't comment at times because I feel I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. But if we were sitting across from eachother and you shared what you had written in your blog I would not sit silent. I would somehow let you know I heard what you were saying at the very least, right? So maybe we should do the same here. At least let eachother know we have heard what you have shared.

Elizabeth said...

I agree with heather. There are times I read and just don't feel I have anything to add so I don’t comment or I feel insecure about my response and after writing it out I delete the whole thing. And sometimes I am just lazy, and thinking up a response takes work…horrible to say but it is true at times.

kristin said...

The two reasons I most often don't comment: laziness and insecurity. The first more than the latter. After all, I almost didn't comment on this blog. Haha. I should remember, though, that I love it when I receive comments (and I don't judge how eloquently they're written), so my comments would probably bless other people too.

Mommy Rader said...

I agree with everything! Everyone else said it best...

Unknown said...

I wanted to comment on your last post, but I forgot the question by the time I finished reading it - I'm sure I just confused myself. Which come to think of it can happen quite often these days.
I agree with your thoughts on it producing community etc. However, I find that the biggest reason I don't tend to comment on the deeper issues and topics is b/c my thoughts and deep musings most often come from dialogue on the topic. I'm a person (as I'm sure you know) that has to talk their way *through* things to come up with my final conclusions and musings on the matter. I think much better and express myself much better in personal conversations and almost always love to dive into deep topics in that form.
However, blogger doesn't exactly allow for that kind of interaction. Many times I've had initial thoughts on subjects and posted those in a comment form. Then raised the interesting topic with friends/mentors/small groups/etc - only to find that my real perspective was rather deeper, more complex, or not so much what I initially thought it was. And then I kick myself for posting a comment prematurely that had, perhaps, not accurately reflected my true thoughts on the topic after all.

Christa said...

I concur with mostly everything else that everyone has already said....I need to put myself out there a little more and make a comment now and again, not just here but on others as well....I do read your blog on a regular basis, though, if that counts at all!! :)

Sarah Beth said...

As a self confessed no-comment reader I will endeavor to comment more, but I am in agreement with everyone else that I often don't comment because I either don't think I have anything to contribute, or I can't phrase what I think I want to say correctly.

Elizabeth said...

I still go with my first thought I think Sarah worded it better...which reminded me of another reason I don't comment. There have been posts that while reading I've thought of a comment and when I go to add to the community conversation I find someone has already said it and I feel like "ditto" just isn't enough, ya know?

Owen said...

You put so much effort into your posts that I feel like I would have to put in at least a fraction of the time into a response.

Elizabeth said...

Well, thanks for the comments, ladies. I certainly didn't intend this as one of those "If I don't get any comments, I quit blogging forever!" posts. Just value discussion is all. I'm like Kristi too...hashing things out helps me to formulate my real opinion. So, I guess that's why I value other peoples' thoughts...they help me to see things from more than just my own perspective.

As for feeling insecure about your comments...DON'T. We're community, right? We all have valid thoughts and we help each other by spurring one another on.

Shawna said...

You have a lot of responses here. I love your blog. Laziness would be the reason I don't comment. People don't comment on my blog, they come to me later and talk about it. Kind of defeats the purpose becuase no one else gets to see their responses. Oh well...

Melinda said...

The reason I don't often comment is the same reason I've taken a break on blogging. I have all these insights when I read (or in the case of my own blog..throughout the day etc) and then when I sit down to actually type something out it sounds sort of dumb for lack of a better word. And blogs converstations aren't the same as great friends with great coffee! (Minus my VERY busy, noisy children hee!hee!)

Melinda :)

Anonymous said...

I agree... I think in creating a 'blog' you want to hear what others think about your page, your thoughts...your heart. And..I know I look forward to hearing from others as I continue my own blogging....Shelly Condon