Hmmm....hardly any takers on my last question: "What does freedom in Christ look like?" Is that because we don't know the answer? I think most of us who are believers in Christ know at least a measure of freedom, for "where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom". I also believe it is a long journey towards freedom, in which we can experience new measures of freedom daily, as long as we consistently chase after Christ. And so, what does this freedom in Christ actually look like in our day-to-day lives?
Thanks to Kristi who pointed out that freedom in Christ is beyond the mirror that for so long misrepresented her true value; that freedom in Christ means loving herself as a creation of the King; that freedom in Christ means loving others unconditionally and pouring herself out completely on the ONE she adores. Good stuff, Kristi!
I think I can add some more...but in no way will I exhaust the ways in which we discover and exhibit freedom in Christ. For Christ came to set the captives free, and as long as our feet trod this earth, the Holy Spirit will be breathing freedom breath on us. We must grasp that there is much more to Christianity than salvation, discipline and good works. We must consider that many Christians still live as captives - captives to bitterness, captives to resentment, captives to the pain of abuse, captives to doubt and unbelief. But He came to set us free. And we can be free indeed!! And as we experience Christ's liberation, we will run more wholeheartedly after Him. What does it look like?
- Recognizing thoughts of jealousy, bitterness, resentment, and submitting them to the Lord.
- Blessing and praying for those who curse us.
- Renewing our mind in the Word.
- Spending as much time listening for the Lord's voice as we do talking to Him.
- Asking the Lord daily to search us, that we might have clean hands and a pure heart.
- Allowing the Lord to be our shield and defense as He promises to be.
- Standing upon the Word of God.
- Recognizing that wisdom and knowledge are good, but are not enough apart from the experience of the Person of God.
- Conversing with I AM throughout the day.
- Being able to say and believe that "I am a friend of God".
- Understanding that we are each just a small part of the body of Christ.
- Understanding, too, that our small part of the body is appointed to bear lasting fruit.
- Willingly and gratefully and with joy allowing the Lord to "prune" us.
- Testing all of our attitudes and opinions against the Word of God, and waiting upon His still small voice to direct us with them.
- Kindly speaking up when we hear gossip happening rather than turning a deaf ear.
- Boldly and lovingly pointing people toward the Lord.
- Being teachable and humble. Graciously taking direction from the authorities that God has placed over us.
- Being diligent to remain in the Lord.
- Being intentional about loving others and showing God's mercy wherever we are in this broken world.
- Being humble enough to admit our mistakes and ask for help. Seeking God's appointed leaders for counsel.
- Recognizing that God places dreams within us. BIG dreams. Freedom is believing that He really can make them happen.
- WANTING more out of our relationships with Christ.
- Humbly submitting our areas of captivity to the Lord as He reveals them to us.
- Standing in the authority of Christ, and donning the full armour of God to come against the fiery darts of the evil one.
And Freedom in Christ is recognizing that the Lord always will have new things to show me. Freedom in Christ is the opposite of complacency.
So, those are my thoughts for now. Did this spur any of you on to think a little more about this - at least enough to comment? :) I love dialogue, and I love your new ideas!
Freedom is...being able to hope!
By the way, I have been converted, I too now have a Blogspot. You'll have to teach me all the cool tricks you can do here.
Okay, so I've been thinking about this since you posted. Freedom. What a beautiful word. I agree with your list of what freedom could be. For me I work well with word pictures. I've spent many wonderful weekends on PEI. I can remember sitting on the beach at about sunset wrapped in a blanket, watching the waves crash, feeling the cool breeze on my cheeks and breathing in the salt air. Free. I always feel free in a place like that. The freedom I feel in places like that is the freedom I want on the inside. I guess that's as clear as I can make it!
NOT related to this post:
I'm glad you're trustworthy Elizabeth. I remember always feeling safe sharing my heart with you.
Re: your comment the other day -
I failed my test, but will try again in a few weeks.
I love all of your ideas of what freedom in Christ can be, and i agree wholeheartedly. When I think of total and complete freedom in Christ, it closely resembles the freedom a child experiences through play. You've seen children play. They are just soooooooo 'free'. Watching Em play, hearing her sing, watching her dance and run, and listening to her laugh is so liberating (not to mention contagious)! She is so full of joy! It's like a breath of fresh air! I LOVE it!! We can (and do!) experience that same freedom when we totally surrender EVERY area of our life to Christ.
Thank you ladies for commenting. i have in no way exhausted the ways in whch we can exhibit freedom in Christ, and so I thank you for your thoughts too. Each and every day I find new ways that the Lord wants to free things that have bound me without even realizing it. He is so good to pursue me and to continually open my eyes that I might see Him anew.
Liz...thanks for commenting! I don't think you ever have before...I'm honored!! :)
I heart you!! :)
I have read this post several times, thinking about it. I agree wholeheartedly and experientially with all that you listed, but have not had anything new to add.
This weekend, however, as Morgan has been away again, the Lord brought conviction to my heart through His Word this morning about something I need freedom from. It's something old in my life, but something I have not dealt with completely yet. I have surrendered it to the Lord, but feel now he is asking me to surrender it to my husband and let complete transparency be his path to freedom for me in this area.
Then I read this post again, and it really rang a chord with me today. I have to admit I have taken the freedom Christ brings for granted. I have not appreciated it as I should. But, oh, I am SO Grateful! I am grateful for the core freedom He brings first of all- freedom from a life of sin! I have NO desire to go back, and my heart aches for those who do not know this freedom.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there truly IS freedom!
I love that we are free from false guilt. I have a very tender conscience, and the enemy plays on it, and makes me feel guilty many times. But as I have matured over the years, the Lord has (and is) been teaching me how to discern fau-guilt and true conviction. Christ does not cause guilt, which leads to shame and despair. He offers freedom from conviction and repentance, which leads to peace and joy!
So for me, this week, freedom is peace. Freedom is the peace that passes all understanding; the peace that guards my heart.
I love this peace.
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